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来源:江苏省进出口公平贸易工作站        上传时间:2023-11-06                  字体:

美国当地时间2020年3月2日,美国L&L Candle Company LLC、美国Sotera Tschetter Inc.根据《美国1930年关税法》第337节规定向美国际贸易委员会提出申请,主张对美出口、在美进口及销售的特定电子蜡烛产品及其组件(Electronic Candle Productsand Components Thereof)侵犯了其专利权,请求ITC发起337调查,并发布普遍排除令、有限排除令及禁止令,禁止涉案产品进口到美国和在美销售。







(2)Sotera Tschetter Inc

SoteraTschetter Inc是一家拥有多年计算机辅助设计经验的公司,协助L&L进行产品设计工作。




表1 被告企业信息列表





















专 利 号:US8550660

专利名称:Kinetic flame device 动态火焰装置


权利要求1:An apparatus forsimulating a flickering flame effect, comprising: a housing including aninterior space; a plastic flame elementcoupled to the housing, such that at least a portion of the plastic flame element extends outwardlyfrom the housing; a first light source adapted to selectively project a first spot oflight onto a first outer surface of the flame element; a second light sourceadapted to selectively project a second spot of light onto a second outersurface of the flame element; and a light engine controller having a processor running a flamelighting program that defines a first set of control signals for operating thefirst light source and a second set of control signals for operating the secondlight source, wherein the first andsecond spots of light transition according to first and second transitionpatterns, such that the first andsecond spots of light collectively simulate movement of the flame element.


权利要求12:An electric lightingdevice configured to simulate a flickering flame effect, comprising: a housing including aninterior space; a flame element coupledto the housing, such that at least aportion of the flame element extends outwardly from the housing; a lighting assembly atleast partially concurrently directing a first spot of light onto a first outersurface of the flame element and a second spot of light onto a second outersurface of the flame element, wherein the first and second outer surfaces at least partially overlap; and a light enginecontroller having a processor running a flame lighting program that definescontrol signals for operating the lighting assembly, wherein intensities ofeach of the first and second spots of light dynamically vary as a function ofthe control signals, wherein the lighting assembly further comprises: a first light sourceadapted to upwardly project the first spot of light onto the first outersurface of the flame element; and a second light source adapted to upwardly project the second spot oflight onto the second outer surface.



专 利 号:US9366402

专利名称:Electronic lighting deviceand method for manufacturing same模拟真火的电子发光装置及其模拟真火的方法


权利要求1:An electronic lightingdevice comprising: an enclosure provided with a through hole on an upper surface; a flame componentcomprising a first portion shaped in appearance to substantially resemble theshape of a flame when viewed from at least one perspective, the flame componentsupported such that the first portion is exposed above the upper surface of theenclosure through the through hole of the enclosure; and at least onelight-emitting element contained entirely within an interior of the enclosureand positioned such that an outgoing direction of a light from thelight-emitting element is projected from within the interior of the enclosure, through the through holeof the upper surface of the enclosure, and onto at least one surface of thefirst portion of the flame component, thereby illuminating the flamecomponent from a light source external to the flame component; wherein the enclosurecomprises at least two enclosure elements operably configured to connect toform the enclosure having a cavity and the through hole and at least one of theenclosure elements comprises a cradle on its sidewall forming an installationlocation for one or more of the at least one light-emitting element, wherein the installationlocation is operably configured to allow the at least one light-emittingelement to emit light at a direction towards the through hole.


权利要求10. An electronic candlecomprising: an enclosure providedwith a through hole on an upper surface thereof; a flame component comprising a firstportion shaped in appearance to substantially resemble the shape of a flamewhen viewed from at least one perspective and being movably supported relativeto the enclosure such that the first portion is exposed above the upper surfaceof the enclosure through the through hole of the enclosure; an electrically-powereddriving mechanism disposed adjacent the flame component and applying a force onthe flame component to actuate the flame component to sway or swing; and at least onelight-emitting element contained entirely within an interior of the enclosureand positioned such that an outgoing direction of a light from the at least onelight-emitting element is projected from within the interior of the enclosure, through the through holeof the upper surface of the enclosure, and onto at least one surface of thefirst portion of the flame component, thereby illuminating the flamecomponent from the at least one light-emitting element operating as a lightsource external to the flame component; wherein the enclosure comprises atleast two enclosure elements operably configured to connect to form theenclosure having a cavity and the through hole; wherein at least one of theenclosure elements comprises a cradle on its sidewall forming an installationlocation for one or more of the at least one light-emitting element; wherein the installationlocation is operably configured to allow the at least one light-emittingelement to emit light at a direction towards the through hole; and wherein the flamecomponent comprises a magnet at an end opposite the first portion, and theelectrically-powered driving mechanism comprises a coil positioned near themagnet of the flame component, energized by an electronic control circuit to produce a changingmagnetic field interacting with the magnet of the flame component, thereby causing movementof the flame component.



专 利 号:US9512971

专利名称:Electronic lighting deviceand method for manufacturing same模拟真火的电子发光装置及其模拟真火的方法


权利要求1:An electronic lightingdevice for simulating a candle, comprising: an outer shell having a shape to resemble a candle and including acurved sidewall spanning around the perimeter of the outer shell and an uppersurface intersecting the sidewall and having a through hole; a core contained withinthe outer shell and structured to include an upper portion that encircles aninternal cavity of the core and provides an opening that at least partiallyaligns with the through hole of the outer shell, wherein the core includes a cradleformed in the upper portion; a flame component structured to include a top portion shaped to looklike a flame; a support elementattached to the core and coupled to the flame component within the internalcavity to project the flame component out of the opening; a lighting elementcontained entirely within the interior of the core and positioned at leastpartially on the cradle at an angle with respect to an axis passing through thecradle and a longitudinal central axis of the core, the lighting element toemit blinking light from within the internal cavity onto the flame componentthrough the opening; and a control circuitry to cause the lighting element to emit theblinking light on the flame component.


权利要求4. An electronic lightingdevice for simulating a candle, comprising: an outer shell having a shape to resemble a candle and including acurved sidewall spanning around the perimeter of the outer shell and an uppersurface intersecting the sidewall and having a through hole; a core contained withinthe outer shell and structured to include an upper portion that encircles aninternal cavity of the core and provides an opening that at least partiallyaligns with the through hole of the outer shell, wherein the core includes a cradleformed in the upper portion; a flame component structured to include a top portion shaped to looklike a flame; a support elementattached to the core and coupled to the flame component within the internalcavity to project the flame component out of the opening; a lighting elementcontained entirely within the interior of the core and positioned at leastpartially on the cradle at an angle with respect to an axis passing through thecradle and a longitudinal central axis of the core, the lighting element toemit blinking light from within the internal cavity onto the flame componentthrough the opening; and a control circuitry to cause the lighting element to emit theblinking light on the flame component, wherein emitted blinking light onthe flame component includes a brightness and an elliptical shape that causethe flame component to resemble a true fire.


权利要求16. A method forsimulating a true candle flame in an electronic lighting device including ashell surrounding a core having a through hole on a top surface, comprising: emitting a blinking lightfrom a light emitting element of the electronic lighting device containedentirely below the top surface of the core and positioned at least partially ina cradle formed in the core so that the emitted light is projected at an angleonto a flame component of the electronic lighting device at least partially disposedin the cavity of the core and protruding out of the through hole of the core toresemble a candle flame, the angle being with respect to a longitudinal axis of the lightemitting element and the core, wherein the flame component is attached to the core via a supportingelement in the cavity; and controlling, by a control circuitry of the electronic lighting device, the lighting element toemit the blinking light to produce a flickering effect of the true candle flamebased on the light illuminated onto the flame component.



专 利 号:US9523471

专利名称:Electronic lighting deviceand method for manufacturing same模拟真火的电子发光装置及其模拟真火的方法


权利要求1: An electronic lightingdevice for simulating a candle, the device comprising: an at least partially rounded enclosure having an upper end, a lower end, and an opening in theupper end, the enclosure forming acavity connected to the opening and having a recessed notch in a sidewalladjacent to the cavity; an elongated element having a lower portion at least partiallypositioned in the cavity and an upper portion with a rounded edge, the upper portionextending out of the cavity through the opening and having a shape resembling aflame of a candle; a support rod positioned within a middle portion of the elongatedelement between the upper portion and the lower portion to allow the elongatedelement to pivot about the support rod relative to the enclosure; at least onelight-emitting element at least partially positioned within the notch andretained by the notch at a distance from the elongated element, the light-emittingelement positioned close to the upper end of the enclosure but below the middleportion of the elongated element to project light from within the cavity, through the opening, and onto a surface of theelongated element to simulate illumination resembling light from a candle.


权利要求17. A simulated candlecomprising: a hollow tubular element; an opening on a top sideof the tubular element; a flame component having an upper portion protruding through the openingand out of the tubular element, and a lower portion extending at least partially into the tubularelement, wherein the flamecomponent has a pivot point, and wherein the flame component is operatively connected to the tubularelement via the pivot point and configured to pivot with respect to the tubularelement; a recess in a sidewall ofthe tubular element; a light-emitting element supported by the recess and positionedpartially within the recess such that a top light-emitting portion of the lightemitting element is protruding out of the recess, the light emitting element held at adistance from the flame component by the recess to form an inclined angle withrespect to a longitudinal axis that passes through the opening, the inclined angleallowing light from the light-emitting element to project from within thehollow tubular element, through the opening, and onto the flame component; and a swing element positionedwithin the tubular element to exert a force on the flame component and causethe flame component to pivot with respect to the tubular element.



专 利 号:US10533718

专利名称:Electronic lighting device电子照明装置


图9 US10533718的权利要求结构图

权利要求1. An electronic lightingdevice for simulating a candle, comprising: an enclosure, having an outer shell having a shape to resemble a candle and theenclosure including a curved sidewall spanning around a perimeter of theenclosure and the enclosure having an upper surface intersecting the sidewalland the enclosure having a an opening in a top portion of the enclosure, the opening that extendsbetween an inner cavity of the enclosure and an outside of the enclosure, a light source holdingsurface formed in an upper portion of the enclosure; a flame componentstructured to include a top portion shaped to look like a flame, the flame componentextending above the opening; a lighting element located within the inner cavity and supported atleast partially on the light source holding surface, the lighting elementsupported to point the lighting element at an non-zero angle with respect to alongitudinal central axis of the enclosure the lighting element emitting lightthat blinks from within the internal cavity, directed onto the flame componentthrough the opening; and a control circuitry which controls the lighting element to emitlight that blinks on to the flame component.


权利要求8. An electronic lightingdevice for simulating a candle, comprising: an enclosure having an outer shell having a shape to resemble a candleand including a curved sidewall spanning around a perimeter of the outer shelland an upper surface intersecting the sidewall and having a through hole whichreaches between an inner cavity of the enclosure and an outside of theenclosure; wherein the enclosureincludes a light source enclosure surface formed in an upper portion of theenclosure; a flame componentstructured to include a top portion shaped to look like a flame, the flame componentextending above the through hole, wherein the flame component includesa line embedded within the flame component at a lower end of the flamecomponent, such that light emittedonto the top portion of the flame component resembles a true candle flamehaving a candle wick due to irradiation of the light on the lower end havingthe line embedded within the flame component; a lighting element contained withinthe interior of the core and mounted at least partially on the light holdingsurface, the lighting elementsupported to point the lighting element at an non-zero angle with respect to alongitudinal central axis of the enclosure, the lighting element to emit lightfrom within the internal cavity onto the flame component through the throughhole; and a control circuitrywhich controls the lighting element to emit the light.


权利要求21. An electronic lightingdevice for simulating a candle,comprising: an enclosure, having an outer shell having a shape to resemble a candle and includinga curved sidewall spanning around the perimeter of the outer shell and an uppersurface intersecting the sidewall and having an opening in a top portion of theenclosure that extends between an inner cavity of the enclosure and an outsideof the enclosure, a flame component structured to include a top portion shaped to looklike a flame, the flame componentextending through the opening; wherein the enclosure includes a light source holding surface formed inan upper portion of the enclosure; a lighting element containedentirely within the inner cavity and supported at least partially on the lightsource holding surface, the lighting element supported to point the lighting element at annon-zero angle with respect to a longitudinal central axis of the core, to emit light on to theflame component, a control circuitry which controls the lighting element to emit light byproducing a first signal level to the light source that increases an intensityat a first time, and a second signal level to the light source that decreases anintensity of the light source at a second time, to produce light that gets emittedon to the flame component.




原告方律所为Perkins Coie LLP(美国博钦律师事务所),成立于1912年。该所有超过1100名律师,通过在美国本土以及在北京,上海和台北设立的办公室,为各行各业的客户提供关于企业、商业诉讼、知识产权及监管合规方面的法律咨询服务,曾代理近30起337调查案件,大多涉及电子类产品,包括“337-TA-1123化油器及包含化油器的产品”、“337-TA-1106特定打印机墨盒及其组件”、“337-TA-957触控器及其同类产品”。






